7.8.23 Dennis Nolan. One of the great artists of the last era passed away last year. He was a college professor to me as well as a mentor. He stood by me when I cried in his office, feeling way behind every other kid. (I was never taught how to paint until college) and basically held my hand until I was good at it, some of that magic rubbed off on me I guess. He told me to run away to the girl of my dreams in Florence, Italy; and wrote me directions to the art store where the masters hung out. “Zecchi”. I saw the bluest blue that ever blue there - pure Lapis Lazuli. This ear was painted for him, in a last show of all his students. He said you can tell a good draftsman from the structure of the ear. The last thing he drew was a frog, 3 days before he left us. Rest in Peace. I hope I live as well, and die as well as you. Bury me with a pencil behind my ear.
Test for composition and colors for a pet portrait. I usually skribble digitally so we can change things quickly. When the client tells me “OMG I LOVE IT!” (and they always say that exact phrase) I start painting in oil.
7.8.23 Concept art from a children’s book I’ve been working on. It is currently being uploaded and printed by the Author and his team. Look out for “Derrick”!
Literally I can eat this any day, Anytime. I’ve eaten an entire tube of rice cake and jar of peanut butter in a weekend once…or twice.
I don’t walk past my refrigerator with out putting Kimchi in my face ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is the actual David by actual Michelangelo in actual Florence actual Italy. It was like seeing a celebrity that is 2 stories tall. That is a beautiful man….His D*ck is the size of my entire body O.O
This is one of the first drawings I did of Samela the Great. Before we knew we would be together forever. But I mean we both knew what was up. I have thousands of drawings of her. I could draw her with my eyes closed.
Thank you for scrolling through! I’d like this space to be kind of a sketchbook/blog. My actual sketchbook has ideas scribbled all up inside in random places and pages. I’ll try to collect some of that for you here and in the newsletter. Which you can sign up for here :)